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Treatment for yellow fever consists of providing general
supportive care and varies, depending on which organ systems are involved. No
effective specific antiviral therapy for yellow fever has been identified.
Yellow fever occurs only in Africa and South America. The clinical
spectrum of yellow fever ranges from subclinical infection to overwhelming
pansystemic disease. Yellow fever has an abrupt onset after an incubation
period of 3–6 days, and usually includes fever, prostration, headache,
photophobia, lumbosacral pain, extremity pain (including the knee joints),
epigastric pain, anorexia, and vomiting. The illness might progress to liver
and renal failure, and hemorrhagic symptoms and signs caused by
thrombocytopenia and abnormal clotting and coagulation can occur. The fatality
rate of severe yellow fever is approximately 20%.
Urban yellow fever can be prevented by vaccinating human
populations at risk for infection or by suppressing populations of Ae.
aegypti mosquitoes so that they no longer perpetuate infection. Jungle
yellow fever can most effectively be prevented by vaccination of human
populations at risk for exposure.
Two forms of yellow fever, urban and jungle, are epidemiologically
distinguishable. Clinically and etiologically they are identical. Urban yellow
fever is an epidemic viral disease of humans transmitted from infected to
susceptible persons by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which breed in domestic
and peridomestic containers (e.g., water jars, barrels, drums, tires, or tin
cans) and thus in close association with humans. In areas where Ae. aegypti has
been eliminated or suppressed, urban yellow fever has disappeared.
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