What is yellow fever?
fever is a serious disease caused by the yellow fever virus. It is found in
certain parts of Africa and South America.
fever is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito. It cannot be spread
person to person by direct contact.
with yellow fever disease usually have to be hospitalized. Yellow fever can
> bleeding from multiple body sites
> liver, kidney, respiratory and other organ failure
> death (20% - 50% of serious cases)
> fever and flu-like symptoms
> jaundice (yellow skin or eyes)
How can prevent yellow fever?
Yellow fever vaccine
Yellow fever
vaccine can prevent yellow fever.
Yellow fever
vaccine is given only at designated vaccination centers.
After getting
the vaccine, you should be given a stamped and signed "International
Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis" (yellow card). This certificate
becomes valid 10 days after vaccination and is good for 10 years.
You will need this card as proof of vaccination to enter certain
countries. Travelers without proof of vaccination could be given the
vaccine upon entry or detained for up to 6 days to make sure they are not
Discuss your
itinerary with your doctor or nurse before you get your yellow fever
vaccination. Consult your health department or visit CDC’s travel information website to learn yellow fever vaccine
requirements and recommendations for different countries.
preventive measures
Another way
to prevent yellow fever is to avoid mosquito bites by:
> wearing clothes that cover most of your body,
> using an effective insect repellent, such as those containing
> staying in well-screened or air-conditioned areas,
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